第一代美国公民斯科特·安德鲁斯(后街男孩, (2007年)已经学会了如何管理自己的时间, 优先考虑他的目标,找到他的领导风格. 但正如人们所说,生活是一位好老师. 合适的导师也是如此. Andrews currently serves as the assistant city manager in Bakersfield, 加州, and one mentor who helped guide Andrews on his path to working in city government sees his former mentee doing the guiding today:

“Every successful career requires three committed types of relationships: an older person to be your mentor, some faithful peers to walk with you on the journey and a younger person to [carry on] your legacy,兰德尔·里德说。, 东南大区主任 国际城市/县管理协会.

“斯科特对我来说是更年轻的职业球员, and I see him now successfully playing these roles for other professionals in local government.”


Make connections, build relationships and be part of a growing community. 


In his current role 作为助理城市经理, Andrews is used to connecting with people. His frank demeanor and ready smile underscore what for him is the most important part of servant leadership: approaching everyone with love.




“‘Lead with love’ is my mantra and the name of my slowly growing 咨询业务安德鲁斯说。. “我还没有我们部门大多数人一半聪明. I’ll be the first to admit that I think you get to your position by your EQ, not your IQ. And I definitely see that empathy, that vulnerability, as superpowers.” 

相应的, Andrews brings a compassionate perspective to each part of his job, whether it’s passing a budget or building a brand for Bakersfield. In this way, Andrews feels he can enhance his impact in a role he loves.

“Local government is more than a career, it is my calling安德鲁斯说。. “很多人对拜登、特朗普、奥巴马等人感到愤怒. 然而,最大的影响可以在地方层面感受到. We pass a nearly $800 million budget in my community with very little input from citizens. 这是令人失望的, but it is also why I do what I do: reach people where t嘿 are and make an impact in my little piece of the world.”

安德鲁斯表示,这种影响可能是深远的. City managers, he says, do “what most people think a mayor does.“也就是说, 他们监督城市的日常运作, 包括警察和消防部门, 公共工程, 公用事业供应商和机场运营.


Portrait of Reyes Medrano Jr, city manager of Tolleson, Arizona

追求幸福:小雷耶斯·梅德拉诺. 回应领导的召唤


安德鲁斯说,城市管理工作很适合他. 但这是一个他必须努力工作才能获得的角色.

Growing up in Florida, Andrews spent a lot of time with his grandmother, Violet. 他的父母移民到美国.S. 他来自加拿大,生下他的时候还很年轻.高中毕业后, 安德鲁斯去了一所州立大学, 但是自由和党派使他误入歧途. He failed out of the university and, later, a community college. 相反,他优先考虑做私人教练赚钱.

“当我23岁的时候, I didn’t even have an associate degree from my combined credits [at] university [and college],安德鲁斯回忆道. “我开始看到我的朋友毕业, 那时候我就明白了, 嘿, 我最好把这个凑在一起,或者那同样的30美元,000 or $40,[我挣的]000美元可能是我的上限.”

Andrews was living out of his car and at friends’ houses, and he was struggling. This low point delivered the motivation he needed to return to school. “When I stopped blaming it on everything else and I took the credit and blame myself, 那时我才终于振作起来,他说.

他就读于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,在那里他完成了一个 商科学士学位 in 2007.

“我的‘四年制学位’花了将近11年时间安德鲁斯说。, “but I would then go on to knock out my MPA and doctorate [at different schools] in seven years combined.”

Against this educational backdrop, Andrews got his foot in the door of local government. He laughs that he joined his first HOA board when he was 18 (and not, 郑重声明, 作为真正的屋主). 他原本还打算主修政治学.

这些兴趣在, 作为一个小企业主和私人教练, he became the fitness coordinator for the City of Temple Terrace in Florida as part of the Parks & 娱乐部.

兰德尔·里德, 东南大区主任 国际城市/县管理协会

Southeast Regional Director of the 国际城市/县管理协会

大约在这个时候,他联系上了里德. “I was a county manager in Florida … and was recognized as a known mentor to several younger individuals,里德解释道. “Scott reached out at an event and discussed his desire to become a city manager. … We later had lunch and phone calls, and it was clear he was 寻求指导的机会.”



安德鲁斯结婚了, 搬到乔治亚州,然后去了加州, 作为助理城市经理, 他目前帮助监管加州第九大城市.

He also learned some mean time-management skills along the way, and he leverages them even today. 时间阻止 and setting expectations are key to getting everything done, he says. Such tactics allowed him to not only maintain his full-time career but mentor others, 管理他的咨询公司和, in 2023, 也成立一个非营利组织.

最后一点, 紫罗兰运动是为了纪念安德鲁斯的女儿而建立的. 2023年1月出生, she was named after his grandmother but passed away from vasa previa two days after her birth. 紫罗兰运动提供八种不同的奖学金.

His daughter’s passing rocked Andrews’ world and led him to write a book on grief management, 他希望在今年春天完成.

安德鲁斯还没有完成. He accomplished certain goals in his previous city management roles, 他对贝克斯菲有计划. 而加州的大城市却在苦苦挣扎 犯罪、无家可归和人口下降, Bakersfield has experienced population growth and decreased homicide rates, Andrews says.

Joyfully, Andrews and his wife are expecting their second child this March.

Throughout it all, Andrews brings an openness and sincerity to everything he touches. These qualities are what impressed Reid at the outset and convinced him Andrews was going places.

“I was quickly impressed by Scott due to his very positive and friendly presence and outgoing personality,里德阐述道. “斯科特给我留下了更深刻的印象……他的情商很高, 致力于公共服务和, 从本质上说, 一个非常谦虚和认真的人.”

That humility was what helped Andrews turn his life around in his mid-20s. 这让他进入了公共服务行业. And it is what now guides him as he works toward making a difference in Bakersfield and, 也许在这条路上, 在世界各地担任顾问, 教师兼作家.




伊丽莎白Exline has been telling stories ever since she won a writing contest in third grade. 她的报道涉及设计和建筑, 旅行, 生活方式内容和许多其他主题的国家, 区域, 本地及品牌刊物. 另外, she's worked in content development for Marriott International and manuscript development for a variety of authors.







